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北京大学大纽约地区校友会“未名传承系列活动”第十二期将以线下交流座谈的形式为校友们提供与Qing Chen, Vincent Mao, 和Lei Xu畅聊的机会。





地点: 330 7th Ave 7th Fl Rehearsal Hall, New York, NY 10001




1. 帮助职场新人排忧解惑:秋招即将到来,你如何武装自己、杀出重围?

2. 提点在职金融人士 :在就业冷却的大环境下,如何脱颖而出、更上一层楼?

3. 提供线下交流机会,拓展校友职场人脉。




1. Qing Chen

Managing Director, Co-Head of USD Interest Rates Trading, a major bank

Qing Chen joined Morgan Stanley in 2009 and is currently the Head of US Rates Trading, responsible for US Treasury, Inflation, Interest Rate Swap, Client Financing and Interest Rate Volatility trading. Prior to that, she spent most of her career as head of interest rate swaps desk. She started as a desk quant and moved to trading in 2013. She graduated from Peking University with a bachelor's degree in mathematics in China and received a master's degree in financial mathematics from New York University. Qing Chen is a board member of the Boys Hope Girls Hope charity. She is also passionate about promoting female and AAPI diversity and is involved in multiple mentoring and charity programs.


2. Vincent "Wenxin" Mao

Director, Global Multi-Asset Algorithmic Trading, RBC Capital Markets

Vincent joined RBC in 2009 to form the new Algorithmic Trading Group. With Vincent’s leadership, the team is now ranked at the top among Wall Street Investment Banks and Trading Firms. Before RBC, Vincent was Head of Microstructure Research at Merrill Lynch Electronic Trading and Senior Economist at Freddie Mac. Vincent earned his Ph.D. in Statistics from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and a BS in Mathematics from Peking University.  (The RBC team was featured in the famous Wall Street tale “Flash Boys”)


3. Lei Xu

Portfolio Manager, Head of KEPL group, Cubist Systematic Strategies

Lei Xu started his career as a quantitative researcher in the Options team of the D.E. Shaw Group in 2012. In a few years, he led the team to become one of the most successful options systematic trading teams in the industry. In 2017, he was promoted to co-head of quantitative research of the Options team. In 2019, He joined Cubist systematic strategies and founded KEPL, a multi-asset class systematic trading group. Mr. Xu is now the portfolio manager and head of the KEPL group of Cubist Systematic Strategies.

